Monday, April 29, 2019

'Completely avoidable' measles outbreak hits 25-year high in US - Savannah Ghermay

There has been a huge outbreak of measles. Measles is a disease that has been considered eradicated in the United States. However, because people travel to the U.S. From different countries, it's not uncommon to have a few cases every year. The U.S. secretary of Health and Human Services claims that this is a completely avoidable issue, and referenced parents who won't vaccinate their children because of the idea that vaccines cause diseases such as autism. There is no objective scientific evidence that proves this.

Not only is this an issue for the unvaccinated children, this also causes problems for other people in the country because of the spread of disease. Although the blame can be easily set on those who refuse to vaccinate their children, we must also consider the fact that there are many articles, news channels and other sources that provide false information that causes others to believe in something that hasn't been scientifically proven. I feel that it's important to aggressively convince people to talk to real scientists or doctors, and not people who make it their business to lie.

1 comment:

  1. I do believe it is your choice to get your child vaccinated or not but if you choose not to don’t put other people’s children in danger because of your choice.
