Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A Houston High School Has a New Dress Code. For Parents. - Emma Hancock

A Houston High School Has a New Dress Code. For Parents.

In this article it discusses the decision of James Madison High School in Houston, TX to ban all “revealing and sagging clothing for all people visiting the school, as well as pajamas, hair rollers and satin caps and bonnets.” This decision was made for parents to set an example for students attending the school so they learn what attire is appropriate in settings such as school or the workplace. A story was shown in the article of a mother that was turned away from enrolling her daughter because of her short dress and headscarf.

This article reminds me of when women in the 20th century were expected to set a beauty standard for their daughters and look presentable at all times. It’s interesting that some places are reverting to these traditional standards of what it means to look professional.


  1. I understand why schools would want this, but for parents to have to dress a certain way seems to be a bit far. Sometimes,parents just go back home afterwards, so it would suck to have to dress up, even when they will be back home soon.

  2. I think that the schools are trying to make sure that parents are appropriately dressed to be in front of children, but they should not be required to dress up or have their hair done before taking their kids to school.
