Monday, October 20, 2014

Ann Romney calls a quits By Laura Walton 4th Period


This article was written by Jeremy Diamond of CNN on Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ann Romney is as ANTI-Romney 2016 as it gets. When she was asked by a reporter about Mitt Romney's potential run for presidential election in 2016 she replied " done done done", she says the kids are done, she is done and "Mitt and I are done."  Ann goes further to list off contenders for the 2016 GOP just as suitable to run other than her husband. The family must not be discussing politics at the dinner table because Mitt has hinted at a GOP run and is suspiciously on a "campaign trail." However, Mitt clearly stated early this month that he will not be running for President again, but I wouldn't be surprised if  he took the plunge and went for it.
The author of this article is speculative of Romney's inner family turmoil as it reflects on his decision to run again or not. This article was written for politically conscious readers invested in potential candidates and their private lives.


  1. Very interesting on how this can affect the U.S. politically and economically!

  2. Wow. It's pretty unique to see a wife of a president stand against what he does in politics.
