Monday, October 20, 2014

Health Scare in Ohio - Elisa Weich 5th

Before she had been tested positive for Ebola, nurse Amber Vinson visited a family owned bridal shop in Ohio. Since she was listed as a contact for Vinson after helping her in the shop, owner  Anna Younker has gone through the procedures of quarantining and then limiting her contact with others. While allowed to be out and about, Younker is not allowed to make travel plans outside of the US without first clearing them with officials. Younker is expected to be cleared completely in just a couple of weeks, so far the daily checks for fever have not revealed possible contraction of the virus. Additionally, though it was not necessary, both her bridal shop and her son's school have been cleaned by hazmat crews, if only to qualm fears. The Ebola virus does not fair well outside of a living host, so it is unlikely that any traces can even be found in either place. Hoping to calm fears and bring back business, the Younkers have been doing all they can to work with their community on making them as comfortable as possible with the whole situation.

Knowing that Ebola is such a deadly disease, I can relate to the community's fear of contracting such a disease and their natural aversion to both the Younker family and their business. However, I also know that the Ebola virus is so weak without a living host that it is hard for scientists to even measure how long it exists outside the body, it breaks down that fast! The fear of this disease is more widespread than the actual cases. With our access to protective equipment and knowledge of how to avoid the disease we should focus more on awareness than cowering in fear. It is my belief that by the end of next month all of this will blow over and no new cases will arise.

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