Monday, October 27, 2014

Hillary Clinton backpedals on job creation remark- Joseph Katinas 2nd Period

Three days after Hillary Clinton said businesses don't create jobs, she cleaned up the remark, part of a critique of trickle-down economics, explaining she had "shorthanded this point the other day."

Friday at a campaign rally for Massachusetts Democratic gubernatorial candidate Martha Coakley, the former secretary of state told the crowd, "Don't let anybody tell you that it's corporations and businesses that create jobs," going on to say trickle-down economics "has failed rather spectacularly."

Republicans seized on the sentence, seemingly made for an anti-Hillary Clinton campaign ad. America Rising, the main anti-Clinton super-PAC, is featuring it on the header of its website.

Today at a campaign event for New York Rep. Sean Maloney, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, Clinton went for a do-over, saying, "Let me be absolutely clear about what I've been saying for a couple of decades: Our economy grows when businesses and entrepreneurs create good-paying jobs here in an America where workers and families are empowered to build from the bottom up and the middle out -- not when we hand out tax breaks for corporations that outsource jobs or stash their profits overseas."

It's the second time Clinton has struggled to speak fluently in the economic vernacular of her party.

This article makes me really angry. It just shows how politicians pay attention to every little detail another one says and try to show that there's something wrong with it. Hillary is a human. Obama is a human too. They make mistakes like everyone does. People need to stop judging them so quickly. I can relate this article to the presidential campaigns between Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay, who insulted each other a ton during their running for president.

Here is the source for the article: