Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oil Blasts for Seismic Surveys Threaten Ocean Life - Sophia Davison

               Writers from McClatchy Washington Bureau pinpoint a current issue with the conflicting desires of two groups. Off of the East Coast of the U.S., mainly around North Carolina, the question of putting a seismic survey system into effect, utilizing compressed air guns, is distressing many ocean-life-lovers, and rightfully so. The argument that stands is one of great importance, opposing the views that say these blasts are, indeed, endangering sea-life, with those that say the blasts have no effect on the animals. Many of the pro-oil industry officials state that no effects have been observed on any marine life, yet studies and real proof have shown results contrary to this theory. Not only are the blasts from the air guns causing such great vibrations and sound waves through the water (which carries the sound further and more effectively than air) that physical damage is apparent towards marine life, but disruptions in normal communications for dolphins and whales has become an issue, as these animals use their internal sonar and sound systems to locate food, find mates, and protect themselves and their young from danger. These industry-motivated systems could cause serious damage to our marine life, and may be a fruitless venture in the end. The actual certainty of locating oil from these seismic graphs is not definite, yet we see that even from such limited certainty of such a venture, businesses are willing to go to many lengths, even if it endangers vital marine species.



  1. Wow. If its proven that this hurts marine life, then this shouldn't even be a question anymore. Industry needs to take a step back and observe the harm they caused.

  2. Yet agin we show how small minded some people are, people are aware that the destruction of ecosystems will eventually EFFECT THEM!!!!!?????

    1. Completely true! It's that selfish and small minded attitude that creates situations like this.... A blatant disregard for others and the ecosystems that surround us. Maybe they will realize how they are directly setting up a problem for themselves in the future, and how harmful they're simple-minded, business-targeted schemes can become.
      - Sophia Davison

  3. The oil blasts are definitely damaging and endangering marine life. -Avery Alexander

  4. The oil blasts have obviously caused some trouble recently and are effecting marine life. They need to realize that their effects are harmful and can conclude badly.
    -Glenna Loughlin
