Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wifi hotspot named after terror group delays LAX flight Heather McKay

When a passenger on an American Airlines flight 136 from LAX to London noticed a wifi hotspot named "Al-Queda Free Terror Network" the flight initially delayed the flight for 3 hours due to investigation. While UC Customs and Border Control cleared the flight, the flight crew decided to wait and fly the next day. They wanted to be safe, because "you just never know".

     This relates to APUSH going back to 2001 when the terrorist attacks occurred. Because of this incident, airplane/airport security has cracked down and everyone is a bit more paranoid than before. I believe that whoever's wifi network that was is extremely immature and should have been punished or at least removed from the flight the next day.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/27/travel/lax-al-qaeda-wi-fi-hot-spot/index.html?hpt=us_c2


  1. Now I'm really curious as to who named their wifi hotspot "Al-Queda Free Terror"

  2. Ok thats just weird! I mean really did that person think it was wise to to that.

  3. This is so weird. Like what person would just sit up and think of a name like that for their wiffi.

  4. Agreed with previous comments. But also, how did the other passengers feel about having to wait for 3 hours, then a whole day because some idiot made an immature wifi name?

  5. It was probably just a prank taken to far.Wondered if the person was a child or an adult.

  6. Who names their wifi code something of that nature? I have to say, it's memorable and easy to spot, but the clearly serious attachments to a name such as that is a factor that should have cleared the idea in that person's mind.
    -Sophia Davison
