Sunday, October 26, 2014

Is it finally offically over? - Alyssa Hamilton

Today marks the day of the official end to the Afghanistan war, as the last of our marines and the last of the UK army packed up their stuff, turned over their bases to the afghan armies, and started heading home. The war with Afghan has been the longest war America has ever been involved with, and the process to end it and remove our troops seemed to take even longer. However, the day has finally come and the men are looking forward to being able to come home. Both the US marine base, Camp Leatherneck, and the UK army base, Camp Bastion, were abandoned and handed over, still fully equipped to the Afghan troops. There is one last segment of US marines in Afghanistan, The Marine Expeditionary Brigade, they are the last group of US marines left in the country. And even they will be heading home soon.
To me this seems a lot like what's happened to us in the past, while we may not have forced our soldiers into someone's physical home like the British soldiers during the Quartering act, our soldiers were still in someone's home, their land, their country. While we were helping, and at times our help was necessary, our withdrawal from the country seems to be much slower then it should be. When we decided to pull our troops out, a couple months to pack up and give the Afghan soldiers a walk-through of their bases should have been long enough, and then they should have let our boys come home. Instead it dragged on as segment after segment came home, one by one, leaving dozens more still invading these people's homes.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just happy everyone will finally be coming home. It's about time.
