Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Right to die? -Faith Cleaver P4

In America, Euthanasia has been a constantly debated issue for years and supporters of both sides are very vocal in their opinions. Those who support euthanasia say it is a caring way to give peace to someone who is in constant pain or has a terminal illness. It offers a dignified death that is usually requested by the patient themselves. Those against euthanasia say it is just plain murder. They argue that if someone is in a vegetative state and can not directly decide and say what they want, then they may not wish for their life to end.
   While euthanasia is illegal in all states of America, physician assisted suicide is legal in a small handful. The only difference in these two things is who administers the life ending drug. If a third party (doctor, family member, or close friend) administers the drug, then it is euthanasia. If the drug is administered by the patient, when and where they want it administered, then it is PAS. The laws in the UK are very similar in the fact that euthanasia is illegal everywhere. However, so is PAS.
     This is what led Jean Davies to take her own life. She had no terminal illness but suffered from severe chronic pain. She first decided to stop drinking water, but when this didn't immediately work she then stopped eating. It took five weeks for her plan to finally work and her comments during her fast show her complete determination. Four weeks in, Davies told The Sunday Times, “It is hell. I can’t tell you how hard it is. You wouldn’t decide this unless you thought your life was going to be so bad. It is intolerable.” Her children said that she had been considering this option for two or three years, only planning to go down this route if her health deteriorated too much. When her daughter commented on Davies condition around the time she made her decision she said, "Her quality of life was diminishing and eventually she was diagnosed with one chronic condition too many.”
     Davies was no stranger to the euthanasia controversy. She had in fact written a book on the subject, Choice in Dying. She fully understood what she was doing and said that she felt that there was "No alternative."
     As for my stance on this issue, I side more with pro-euthanasia supporters. There is only so much medicine can do. As harsh as it may sound, if you are constantly in pain, can't move or talk or even go to the bathroom on your own anymore, than you deserve a choice in whether you want to struggle through it for years to come or make use of the "Death with Dignity" act. Especially if the only alternative that seems to be left is something as devastating and painful as this. 



  1. This is a difficult topic because it really comes down to basic liberties and how we use them, the fact is we control our lives for the most part but death is such a powerful thing that whenever anyone tries to control it, bad things tend to happen.

  2. This is also a really tricky subject because people can manipulate Euthanasia so easily and kill those who did not want to leave the world.
    Lauren Kuehmeier
    Per. 2
