Monday, October 20, 2014

When Spanking Goes Too Far - Rachel Webb

When Adrian Peterson made the decision to spank his child with a tree branch he didn't think the act would draw blood. Soon after, when the public found out about it, he was seen differently. When conversation became too overwhelming, he decided to answer the reporters questions on why he made the choice. Peterson explains this was how he was raised, and that spanking children is a spiritual thing for him. He grew up in a black and Christian family where spanking was encouraged in church. Most black families do spank their kids and this is often said to be the best way to discipline children of the African American culture. In addition, many speculate that the black culture justifies spanking by comparing it to the punishment against slaves hundreds of years ago. I agree with the idea that spanking is beneficial to kids, and anyone can see, even without the statistics, that black families are involved in spanking more than any other race in america. The troubling part is the extent at which spanking can go. I can admit that my mother once told me to "go fetch a switch", jokingly, when I was acting up as a child, but I was nearly 10 years old and knew better. Peterson's son is 4-years old. I see why you'd call it abuse. This is not a good way to discipline your child because, considering the difference in mass between Peterson and his young toddler, serious damage could be done. The intentions may be humble and in the interest of his son's future, but one little slip up can be ultimately dangerous. He should stop excusing his actions and own up to the severity of them; that will get people to stop talking about it.


  1. "Go get the switch off the tree!" It's something black parents often joke about and tell stories from their childhood. They remember having to go outside and pull a piece of wood from the bark of a tree and bring it back in for their parents to inspect in order to make sure it wasn't too small. Though it may seem abusive and brutal to someone who isn't used to it, it couldn't be farther from it. It's just a major difference in culture whereas one culture views spankings as putting a child over the knee and hitting them a few times. Then there is the other culture that has whoopings, which to someone that was raised differently may come across very negatively.

  2. I think there's a vast difference between swatting your kid with your hand and hitting him with a tree branch. The latter reflects complete carelessness and abusive behavior. Peterson obviously wasn't thinking about how this could affect not only his reputation but his child's well-being.

  3. I understand why this seems "abusive". To me it was just discipline. But he's definitely too young too know better or get the switch yet. -Avery Alexander

  4. It could be seen in both ways. If this was 50 years ago, this wouldn't have been seen any differently. Quentin Noble 2

  5. I think spanking is an inexcusable means of disciplining children. I think it should no longer be accepted in our society because it is inappropriate and borderline abusive.
    -Vivie Behrens (period 6)
