Saturday, October 25, 2014

U.S. Teen Dies After Going to the Amazon for Medicine - Elvira Gamboa

Kyle Nolan dropped out of school early and was quite unsure about what he wanted to do with his life. He began to research a 'medicine' called ayahuasca which was a psychedelic drug which supposedly takes people into a higher state of consciousness. His mother did try to discourage him, but Kyle was determined that it would help him figure himself out. He did his research and the reviews for the drug were quite positive. He decided to fly to Peru and pay the 2,000 dollar fee to partake in the ritual. He partook in the first few treatments then soon after he disappeared. Nobody knew where he went or seen him, but the police discovered that the shaman had lied about Kyle's disappearance. Kyle's dead body had been found under a bush then promptly buried to keep from other people for finding him. The shaman is charged with homicide and lying to authorities and is getting 5 years in prison. Authorities aren't quite sure as to what killed Kyle Nolan.Many people are concerned with pop up ayahuasca huts that won't be properly handled and possibly cause more accidents. There is very little known about ayahuasca itself which is another worry.

Quick solutions can end quite bad if one doesn't research well or even if they do do research, especially when using things that people don't know much about. It's sad that this happened, but shows how careful people need to be.


1 comment:

  1. Oh man, sounds like she was too eager. I know people get crazy when it comes to the end and you're desperate for it, but I would have thought all possibilities through before risking my life.
