Monday, October 20, 2014

10-year-old Bullied After Haircut for Charity By: Nina Bharadwaj, 2nd Period

     In Ohio, Jetta Fosburg, 10-years-old, cut fourteen inches off of her hair in order to donate it to the charity "Wigs for Kids." This is a charity that aids children with cancer or other issues regarding a loss of hair. She stated "I have some family members who have cancer so I thought it was the right thing to do." Unfortunately, her mother, Heidi Fosburg, is speaking out to the public because ever since Jetta had her hair cut, she has been bullied. She even had to pull her daughter out of her school, Pathway School of Discovery in Dayton, for hurtful comments such as being called ugly or being accused of wanting to be a boy.
     Heidi Fosburg reached out to the school by filling out a bully report, and while the school reassured her that the issue would be resolved, nothing has changed. The principal of the school said that Jetta should "tough it out" and that "he didn't know of any child that had ever died from words." The owners of her school, National Heritage Academics, has claimed that they will look deeper into the case. Many others have gotten involved in this instance to support Jetta. They have stood around the school to defend against the bullies. The school's choir director, Sara Reynolds, stated "This is about building Jetta up and sharing this message so other kids that are bullied can know we're behind them."

This article was published today, October 20th, and the general issue faced by Jetta is very relevant to society today. Bullying is such a common issue faced by everyone, regardless of their age. It is just so unfortunate to hear how Jetta has been bullied for doing something very positive. What Jetta did should be recognized by all in a good way not in a negative way. When Jetta did this, she was being utterly selfless, and there is no logical reason that it should cause abuse from others. Any form of bullying is always wrong, and it is such a shame that the principal did not do all he can to help Jetta. I believe this principal is completely wrong in how he attempted to "handle" the situation. Sure kids need to "toughen up," but when things get this far out of hand, it seems appropriate that one should step in and try to directly fix things. I know of so may people that have gotten their haircut to donate to charity, and they have never been criticized. They have been praised for their kindness. Bullying someone for doing this just doesn't make any sense. However, this article has a positive influence on the audience in the way that it shows how people can come together to support one another.



  1. i think its the schools fault. they obviously could find a way to stop this bullying, but instead the principle responds with a rude comment and expects this girl to deal with all the insults all the other students make. sharon cordon 4th period

  2. There has to be a way that the school can find a way to help stop kids from bullying this little girl. This is a shame and hopefully a higher authority can see the problem and stop this problem.

  3. That girl is at an age where what you do and how you act are all a part of discovering yourself. She must have been extremely mature to think selflessly for others. How other students have treated her only shows how vulnerable kids are at that age and how misunderstood the other kids are compared to her.
