Sunday, October 19, 2014

teenager killed over loud music By: Ruby Aguilar

             In 2012, an argument between 47 year old, Michael Dunn and 17 year old, Jordan Davis resulted in Davis losing his live. The whole argument took place at a gas station over Jordan Davis playing loud music from his car. At first, Dunn had stated that he had acted on account of self defense because he thought Davis was pulling out a gun although no gun was found. Michael Dunn, was now sentenced to life in prison without parole. This connects with the whole revision of the articles of confederation, individual rights, and bill of rights. Shouldn't one be able to express themselves through whatever they may what including music without being terrified of losing their life?


  1. So basically Dunn killed a kid for his music being too loud? Wow. Some people are so ignorant. The boy, doesn't matter what he looks like or the music he was playing, was minding his own business. He definitely didn't deserve to die.

  2. Either Dunn has some serious anger issues or there were some serious problems between the two before the incident. Davis definitely does not deserve to die over a petty problems as loud music, but there seems to be a piece missing in the story here...

  3. Well I guess Dunn gets what he deserves. This sounds like a ridiculous tragedy that never should've happened.
    Julian Smith

  4. This is scary because many people do get annoyed by loud music and can act on anger.
