Since the days of our founding fathers, protest and opposing ideas has been apart of this country for centuries. Whether is was dumping tea into the Boston Harbor, or chanting with posters for Gay-Rights, This country has seen its fair share of protest. Though some of these protest have been called violent and not helpful, there are some that can astonish a nation. So when Saeed Ahmed wrote the article about the peaceful protest that went on at the symphony, it was beautiful to see how protesting could be effective and peaceful. Earlier this year, Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri. Many protesters have been portrayed as violent, or hood rats. So, when two women came up with the idea that singing an old hymn during the intermission of a performance, it made an impact on many people. Though you could see that many were not impressed with the performance, many claiming "He was a thug" or "He deserved it", a majority of people were astonished, clapping, and giving praise to the calming performance. This made me so happy to see that people still care. People still care about what happens to people and they want to speak out and take a stand. I think Justice for Michael Brown will never be reached in this country if we just sit back and let the cards fall where they may. I think it up to us, so that whether black, white, Hispanic, Asian, pink, purple, everybody has the right to be given justice, and most of all be given peace.
Yeah, to me peaceful protest is more effective than violence. Sometimes though, its not as easy to get the response you want from being peaceful. And that is why it is so rewarding when people notice and spread the word about the cause.