Saturday, March 25, 2017

Texas Senate Passes Bill To Allow OB's To Keep Information From Pregnant Women - Sydney Bridgeforth


The Texas Senate passed a controversial bill on Tuesday that critics argue would empower doctors to lie to pregnant women.

Senate Bill 25, which now will be sent to the Texas House, prevents parents from suing their medical providers if their baby is born with disabilities, even if that doctor discovered the condition during routine prenatal testing and failed to inform the parents.

The architects of the so-called "wrongful-birth" bill have argued it would protect children with disabilities and prevent doctors from facing unnecessary lawsuits.

Reproductive advocates have been relentless in their criticism of the measure, arguing that it would effectively make it lawful for a care provider who is opposed to abortion to avoid prenatal testing, downplay test results or even lie to patients about results if they believe those patients might consider terminating a pregnancy.

Senate Bill 415 was also passed effectively banning dilation and evacuation, a safe and common procedure used in many second trimester abortions except when a woman faces a health emergency.


The author of this current event is Catherine Pearson who writes for the Huffpost.  This article was posted online on March 21, 2017 at 2:32 pm ET.  Prior to looking for a current event, I have no prior knowledge of the author nor Senate Bill 25.

The target audience for this article was women and reproductive advocates.

The main idea of the article was to inform women about a bill that was written by opponents of a woman choosing the right to terminate a pregnancy.  Restricting and further limiting a woman's right to exercise her choice as to what she is going to do in the case of serious defects in the fetus or congenital defects in the fetus.

The significance of the article, expressed, is that doctors can lie to parents to be and not be sued.

The significance this current event connects to history, is Roe v. Wade.  Because that is the law of the land, this would help to decrease the number of abortions.


  1. This is sick!!! But also, you have a really great synthesis, and I overall like how you presented this article.

  2. I will never understand this. It doesn't seem to do anything good for anybody; it just allows lies and fear to be spread.
