Monday, March 20, 2017

Skyler Tepedino - Happiest 15 Countries in World


Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Israel, Costa Rica, Austria, U.S., and Ireland are the most happiest 15 countries in the world.  Not only do most of them have the prettiest views, or best food, or even the best way of living. Mostly because the people who live there already are happy people and are thankful for what they have. It just so happens that those happy people who are grateful for everything also get so many amazing privileges. Including, transportation, economy, and way of living. Most of these countries listed have people walking to where they want to go or biking. That is also why there air and environments are so healthy and pure. Living this way, according to residents living in some of these areas, they feel like the happiest and luckiest people in the world!


Because my family and I love to travel out of the country and to other countries including some of these makes me really see why they could be listed as the top 15 happiest places on earth. One of my favorites was Canada, the people there were so nice, welcoming, and friendly. They were always asking if I ever needed anything just ask, and that their home is also mine. Their happiness was infectious and stayed with me and family throughout our trip! This could be connected to when the world was pure and loving of one another even if they're different. I might not have been alive during that time but, but if I ask my grand parents and some of their friends, they tell me how amazing it was and how it is so saddening for. them to see how people are acting these days. Since we are on the list for being one of the most happiest places, lets try and live up to that standard and change some of our ways.

1 comment:

  1. The US certainly is a very blessed nation. Centuries of hard work created a country in which we are able to enjoy freedom and a high standard of living. We should help less fortunate countries to enjoy the same, though. Part of wealth is also giving back, as Andrew Carnegie demonstrated.
