Friday, March 31, 2017

Grace Schwall- Girls go Missing, and Washington's Racial Divide Yawns Wider

      In the past weeks in Washington DC the number of young girls going missing has increased. Most of these missing children are African American or Latino. Some are running away from struggles at home. These youth are at risk to find themselves homeless or worst case scenario involved in sex trafficking. On social media the tag #MissingDCgirls has been trending. DC citizens are calling for police to take more action to find and help missing children.

      This article was written by Sheryl Gay Stolberg from the New York Times. It serves the purpose of raising awareness for missing youth not only in DC but across the nation. The problem is not the children who run away it is the home environment they feel they need to get away from. It is especially concerning that most of the missing children in DC are from minority groups. There should be an equal level of concern for all children who go missing. The police should work actively to keep the missing girls safe to prevent the growth of institutions such as sex trafficking. This can be synthesized to civil rights movement when peaceful protests encouraged the government to have more concern for minority groups.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is a very scary situation hopefully they are found!
