Monday, March 20, 2017

Money and Mexico

Angelica Salazar 1st period 

Mexico and the United States have been a very disputed pair this past year. This article however, seems to lean towards the alliance of America and Mexico. Some tend to argue of the drastic differences in culture and economy, but actually, there are people who help Mexico with their struggles in economy. For example, Dalia Maldonado, a U.S citizen, living in California, takes care of her family by sending money, called remittance, to take care of them with their struggles with knee surgery and even leukemia. No matter the distance, she never fails to support and help her family from miles away. Because of this help in the past recent years, Mexico's poverty level has fallen from 9.2 million in 1994 to 3.8 million!

The touching story of Maldonado shows how remittance is supported by several, however there are still some who can argue against that. The grudge Donald Trump has against Mexico is unnecessary and strange, but it shows the racism and uncaring persona he gives. He states that he'd like to tax remittance to help pay for the unnecessary wall. "Mexico...will reimburse us for the cost of the wall. That will happen, whether it's a tax or whether it's a payment -- probably less likely it's a payment," Trump said at a press conference on Jan. 10

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