Monday, March 27, 2017

Foregoing Anesthesia 

Angelica Salazar 

With advancements in society, there also is medical advancements that can be strange for the first view. Anesthesia helps people that undergo dangerous medical procedures, and in the article, the new trendy local anesthesia seems to interest some people. Local anesthesia is like general anesthesia, however, you are able to be aware of what is going on. You are wide awake, but can't feel a thing. This terrifies some people, but others may be curious. It is much cheaper, so it is advancing into the common treatment. Doctors, however may see this as an awkward and strange opportunity. To them, it feels much more safer and protective. 

It's hard to comprehend the strategies doctors would use back then because compared to treatment advancements now. But knowing that you can be aware during the dangerous procedures, shoes how America's medical tactics are advancing widely 

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