Monday, March 27, 2017

Dishonor On Disney-Leah Lara

   After Disney announced it's plans to release an live-action Mulan film, it has been met with nothing but contervercy. At first, Disney reported casting a white actor to play Shang- but when fans protested, they quickly changed their tune. Now the the film is in danger of having no tune at all. After the directer of the film said " it will be a big girly fighting epic" with "no music", fans quickly voiced their outrage on twitter. Not including Mulan's famous soundtrack would be a huge mistake, and would be in a different approach that Disney's live action Beauty and the Beast which included all of the original film's music.

  Seeing Disney whitewash and then half- ass one of the most beautiful Disney stories is heartbreaking. not only the older Disney fans who hate to see their childhood ruined, but it could effect young children who are waiting to see people that look like themselves on a big Hollywood screen. Most people don't realize just how much diverse characters in movies and T.V. shows can have a positive effect on children. When Walt Disney first founded Disney in 1928, I'm positive that he didn't foresee the greedy cash grabs that his company would be producing long after his death. I sincerely hope that Disney stays true to the original integrity of Mulan. Most importantly I hope that they will stop making easy live action versions of their old hits in order to make money- and start developing new ideas and stories like the real Disney that we all loved growing up.


  1. I completely agree! I want Disney to stay true to its roots! Mulan has such beautiful music and individual characters, that if they stripped those aspects away in the live action version, it would not nearly have the same effect it did years ago!

  2. I hope they continue making the downey movies live action because its really cool to see! They need to keep the music though.

  3. wait a minute, no music? NO they need the music and they need to maintain the truth .
