Sunday, March 26, 2017

Putin Meets Marianne LePen -Kate Kahle

French Conservative presidential frontrunner Marianne LePen, who is problematic for many reasons already, just met with Putin at the Kremlin in Russia. A Russian PR person told the media that Putin is not trying to influence the French election, but has the right to communicate with french politicians. LePen has often criticized the EU's sanctions against Russia, calling them "Unfair". She openly wants stronger relations between Russia and France, and has been criticized for taking out loans from Russian banks. LePen has also said a referendum on France's membership in the EU would recalled within 6 months of her election.
Ok so obviously this is just not the worlds time for progressive politics. The interconnectedness and neighborly feeling there has been in Europe, and pretty much all of the developed world in the last few decades is obviously coming to a close, first with Trump, and now with the impending election of Marianne LePen and her call to leave the EU, which could be like another Brexit. The French election is also in danger of being swayed by Russia in the same ways that the American election was (possibly) swayed.

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