Friday, March 31, 2017

Kennedy Waterman - McDonald’s latest move to regain customers: Actually use fresh beef

As of March 30th, McDonald's has released a statement saying they intend to switch over to fresh, never-frozen beef for their Quarter-Pounders by mid-2018. McDonald's has taken heat for a while about their ingredients, and their sales have been slowly declining in the past few years. Luckily, with the switch to fresh beef, their low prices aren't predicted to go up much. However, even with the advantages of fresh meat, there are risks involved. Frozen beef has a much smaller risk of E. coli growth. When fresh meat is cooked, the employee has a much greater responsibility to cook it thoroughly.

This article came out March 30th, the day the announcement was released. Before I read the article, I had seen the announcement on social media. In fact, Wendy's responded to the McDonald's tweet, saying "So you’ll still use frozen beef in MOST of your burgers in ALL of your restaurants? Asking for a friend." Nice one, Wendy's. The article was aimed at people who eat at McDonald's, or those who stopped eating there because of their ingredients. I think it's important because it shows that even major food chains can change their ways, and that the quest for healthier food hasn't stopped. This can be related to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, which described the meat-packing industry and led to the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act in the early 1900s.


  1. I think it's amazing that they are making this change! Hopefully it will be safe and available very soon!

  2. This is a great article! I am so glad that McDonalds is actually going to have better food!

  3. It's good they're trying to improve the quality of their food.

  4. This is instresting, Ive never had a burger from McDonalds before but its good to know that at least there gonna start using fresh meat.
