Sunday, April 24, 2016

Will Trump vs. Clinton be a nailbiter? Samantha Arthur: 1st period

The election between Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump is bound to be one of the most difficult primary elections America has yet to witness--even more so than most American citizens were expecting. Issues like abortion and immigration are being addressed in a sort of way that could be considered absurd and even abrupt.

I personally am not rooting for either candidate, but if I had to pick one, it would be Hilary; unfortunately this is by default. Both have a way of campaigning that just bashes the other runner-up, instead of expressing their own ideas. This is probably why the current election is such an absurd sort of election. Although, elections have always been known to be dramatic, to say the least. events like the Watergate Scandal sprout because of the politicians' desperation. It's as if these elections are more about the candidates' pride rather the good of the country.

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