Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Luz Lopez(4th period)- How often should you pee?

     You may have asked yourself, how many times should I pee in a day? Sometimes you can be the person who can wait hours to go to the restroom after drinking a lot of water or that person that has to go every hour. Some people pee four to seven times a day. But there really is no accurate number of how many times you have to go. The times you do depend on what kinds of fluids you drink. Caffeine and alcohol cause you to pee more frequently. The sensitivity of your bladder also matters. Dr. Grafstein says you can train your bladder by delaying peeing until the urge becomes strong. Some people may have told you that holding it in it bad for you. Well if the urge becomes painful, then you have to go. If you hold your pee in for to long, your bladder may become distended, increasing the risk of a bladder infection.
     This article was very interesting to read. This reminded me of when slaves were all cramed up in a ship or train and had to be like that for days. You had to pee on yourself because there was no room to move.

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