Tuesday, April 26, 2016

U.S.'s Reaction to North Korean Missile Building (Bella Di Fazio 8th)

North Korea has been building more nuclear missiles recently and the U.S. Has threatened to use "other options". Obama has stated he wants to keep a high gaurd because North Korea could be a potential threat. One missile that they were testing would hit Japan and Guam if fired successfully meaning that Notth Korea is taking the threats very seriously.

This is definitely like the Cuban Missile Crisis when Russia was building nuclear arms and the U.S. threatened to use force in order for it to stop. I feel like we need to approach this situation very carefully and with an open mind if we want to avoid a possible nuclear war. Personally, I feel like nuclear weapons are a uselessly dangerous took that shouldn't have been invented because of the long lasting damages it makes.



  1. Although I am glad that the government is taking this threat seriously, I think that it is very unlikely that North Korea will attack. If they do however, it is nice to know that we are adequately prepared to retaliate or defend ourselves.

  2. That's so scary I know North Korea really does have it out for the U.S.I am glad though that the president is keeping a watch on them to keep us all safe

  3. Yeah this does seem like the cuban missile crisis all over again. Lets try to avoid a full nuclear war, ok world leaders?
