Sunday, April 24, 2016

Russia's submarine program.(Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)

Summary: Russia has recently been very active with their submarines. There has been sightings of large numbers near the mediterranean. Their submarines seem to be improved, although with a few flaws. The U.K and the U.S are wondering what exactly Russia is up to.

Analysis: This fear of Communist Russia is returning. I say returning because this is the same fear America felt during the cold war. It is weird that Russia is exploring such huge technological advances due to the fact that America has always been on their tail to control such advancements.
This is recent news but it isn't anything new. We saw this fear against communism after world war 1 and 2, and it's likely not going to be the last.


  1. This is very scary. It is understandable how these events could spark previous fears from the Cold War, as communism was an issue for such a long period of time. Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

  2. I hope communism doesn't rise again and cause more wars and trouble.
