Monday, April 25, 2016

KILLER SWEETS Julia Woltjen (3rd period)

24 people have died after eating a sweet treat called, Ladd, in Pakistan. These normally tasty sweets were laced with pesticide, the victims had no idea what they were ingesting. One family in particular was hit heavily after the father bought 11 kilos of the sweet to celebrate his sons birthday. Within that family 9 people have died.

This is so twisted and sad. But it just goes to prove that our FDA programs and food protection services are there for a reason. I would hope that these systems make their way into international sweets as well, in order to avoid this horrible tragedy.


  1. It's so sad that all those people died from such an innocent looking piece of candy, and I hope the company that produced those faces consequences. -Claudia Anthony

  2. It's vey upsetting that some people put pesticide in a innocent looking candy. I hope the family get justice.

  3. That's horrifying. What makes it so much worse is that there's no way they could have known. I'm so sorry for all the victims.

  4. Matthew Homsher 9th- That's terrible. The UN should begin work on adding poisoned candy to the list of Human Rights violations. I hope this never occurs again.
