Monday, April 25, 2016

Victoria Garza "Obama Stresses Need to Monitor Data in Fighting Terrorism"

In light of recent events like the terrorist attacks in Brussels and Paris, Obama recently spoke about data surveillance within the public's private rights in order to try and prevent future terrorist attacks. Europe has been consistently persistent on maintaining the public's privacy and not going to far to search into personal information and data.
I think it's interesting to see how our tactics for preventing terrorist attacks, which have occurred over the course of several years, have kept up with the modern times using the internet and data as a source for useful information.This is similar to the Red Scare or the 9 11 attacks, having the US government attempt to control and  mediate the terrorist situation.


  1. Honestly I feel bad for him. He has all this stuff to deal with and it's very stressful.

  2. I hope that all goes well for him and that in the end he does what he believes is truly right. -Sebastian Niño 5th
