Monday, April 25, 2016

Pakistani Peril // Uriel Cruz, Period 6

Imagine you're throwing a party for your newborn grandson. Lots of people are going to be there so you want to buy a lot of laddu for them all to eat and feel self conscious about eating later. Laddu consists of basically dough and sugar and is molded into a sphere. Ok, so you're having the time of your life, popping and locking, all those new dance moves your nephew taught you to impress your kids and their kids. You wake up the next morning and start to feel bad, you check with some relatives who were at the party and they aren't too hot either. Turns out you just poisoned everyone at your party, including yourelf, and now people are dying and it's partially your fault.
  This happened to a Pakistani grandpappy named Umer Hayat. He bought about 11 lbs of laddu for the crew to die of from Tariq Hotel & Sweet in the village of Karor Lal Essan, according to Layyah District Coordination Officer Rana Gulzar. Six brothers, a sister, and two children have died from the laddu while Hayat is in the hospital in critical condition.
  Hold up, how'd the laddu kill 24 people? It's simple, the shopkeeper's servant accidentally mixed laddu with pesticide, at least according to Gulzar. The servant could've done it on purpose for all we know. The shop's closed down and the two brothers who are the shop's shopkeepers have been taken into custody. Think before you buy laddu.
  This brings me back to the times of reform and muckraking. When Upton Sinclair published The Jungle and inspired Teddy Roosevelt to take charge and the Supreme Court to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act. Foods now have to be labeled so we know what we're eating, and conditions in the factories are improved so pesticide won't get mixed in with our laddu.

Pakistani Grandpappy Article //


  1. How absolutely awful to hear, especially considering a very human mistake played a fatal role in this...

  2. This is very sad, I hope the government in pakistan does something to ensure this mistake doesn't happen again.(Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)

  3. Honestly I think this whole incident is hilarious, while it is sad that some people passed away I think it's odd at how careless some people could be to allow this to happen in the first place. -Sebastian Niño 5th

  4. Hayat must be having the worst time of his life, this is very tragic.
    Matthew Taylor

  5. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    That is super scary and ridiculous, what was pesticide doing near the baking ingredients!

  6. I hope stricter regulations will be implemented so that this won't happen again
    Bella Di Fazio 8th
