Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Salton Sea The Culprit Of SoCal Stink

"Air quality officials" have found that the air in southern Cali. apparently it smells terrible. The "South Coast Air Quality Management District" said that they took examples of the air and they think its beacause of a high count of fish dying maybe because of landfills or oil refineries. So a way to fix this IS maybe to keep a look out in the ocean and maybe find all the dead fish lying around and actually pick them up and not leave them laying around because the is the only reason the there is that horrible stench. another way is to maybe block off the parts where these landfills and oil refineries are so that the fish wont go anywhere near and maybe there wouldn't be as much fish dying and giving off as much stench amd there for having healthy air to breathe in.

sorce: http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2012/09/11/salton-sea-the-culprit-of-socal-stink/

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