Monday, September 10, 2012

Mexican Minor Migration- SAD. by Taiina Ayala

As more and more people struggle for a good life in Mexico, more young illegal immigrants are caught being smuggled into the United States. The recent scandal, is that a six year-old boy, Juan Gonzalez, was caught being smuggled into "the land of the free and the home of the brave." More and more young immigrants are being sent alone out of pure despiration for a good life. But, if minors are caught, they must stand alone in court because there are no laws that give them the right to a lawyer. Some might find the mental picture of a six year-old boy standing alone and terrified in a court room filled with strangers, to be an unsettling one.
To me, it is just absolutely sad that this has to happen. Although I'm not the most educated person on the subject of illegal immigration, I do believe that minors who are caught trying to cross the border should simply be let in. There's a difference between a murderer entering our nation, and people who are desperate for a good future; people who need and WANT an education, people who need jobs and need to support themselves. These are the people I want in our nation. Hardworkers, go- getters, and perserverers- some words that can't even be used to describe many Americans! We take it all for granted. Stories like these help me to remember to appreciate what I have, and to take advantage of the opportunities I have to live in America. The thought of people smuggling their small children into our nation atop of freight trains and buses absolutley frightens me. These are people who are seeking refuge, and we are simply denying them it. Maybe I'm weird, but I definitely think something needs to change. Do you think the parents of these children WANT to send them alone to somehow make their way across the border? I'm sure hundreds of hearts a day are ripping apart as parents say  their goobyes- probably their last- to their children, sending them off to a hopeful, better life. The fact is, they don't always make it across successfully. Attempting to illegally cross the border, of course, is always a BIG RISK. I can't even begin to try to understand the terror in these kids' souls! They're so young, they don't even fully understand what's going on. They're saying bye to their families, going through harsh weather conditions, crossing big rivers, being caught, being detained, and standing in front of a judge all so fast! These poor children. :(( SAD DAY. If we could just make some kind of laws or SOMETHING so that these things do not have to happen! GET IT TOGETHER GOVERNMENT.


1 comment:

  1. The US needs to make becoming a citizen easier, cheaper and faster. We shouldn't be deporting people that are just trying to start a new life over here. We should be helping them...
