Sunday, September 23, 2012

College Course Description Lumps Homosexuality with Rape, Murder, etc. Taiina Ayala

The Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio is facing some uproar for a course the school provides and what it entales. The university's course which is causing this uproar is entitled SWK 314 Deviant Behavior. The course description reads: "The behaviors that are primarily examined are murder, rape, robbery, prostitution, homosexuality, mental illness and drug use." Because the description lumps homosexuality with crime, a Franciscan University alumni group  has asked the school to change it.
Definition of deviant: departing from the norm. That's not where the problem lies. The word deviant has no negative connotation to me. The problem lies where homosexuality is being studied in the same course that studies all bad things- assuming the University thinks homosexuality is bad or wrong. Which isn't too shocking, considering the school is a Catholic school that is traditionally conservative. But Gregory Gronbacher brough up a good point. "What if you're a gay student at Franciscan University? How are you going to feel if you're sitting in that class and they're putting you in the same category as murderers?" he asks. He has a point. Although the school is a conservative Catholic school, that doesn't mean there are no gay people there. If there are, and they happen to be taking that class, I could imagine how they would feel offended or uncomfortable. It's all a matter of opinion. The matter of homosexuality and gay marriage is one that is very controverisial and important to our nation's history.


1 comment:

  1. I dont understand why they feel the need to have an entire class dedicated to these topics, especially if you are going to put murderers and gays in the same category. I feel bad for any gay people having to take this course.
