Saturday, February 23, 2019

Trump Tweets Announcement of New US Ambassador to UN - Chloe Meinershagen

Trump announced through twitter that he is planning to nominate Kelly Knight Craft at US ambassador to the UN. This comes a week after his first pick, Heather Nauert, withdrew her candidacy. She left because there was light shed that she had hired a nanny who was working and residing in America, but was not a US citizen. The Craft family have been heavy republican supporters with both their vote and their wallet. Trump nominated Craft in her previous position as US ambassador to Canada. When starting off that position she faced opposition in Canada when she said she could understand "both sides" of the climate change debate. She may also face opposition in this new position. Trump and his senior staff have made clear their dislike of the UN, referred to as "just a club for people to get together, talk, and have a good time", and has cut contributions to the UN, pulled out of several organizations, etc. At the UN General Assembly in 2018, Trump claimed his administration had achieved "more than almost any administration in the history of the country", which was met with open laughter.

Previously to this, I had little knowledge of the US's involvement with the UN. I also was unaware that Trump and his friends openly are against the UN. This article is important because world wide affairs are always important, and electing new officials may create change in history, although is seems that it may not have a huge impact. I think it is at least redeemable of Trump to want the US ambassador to UN to be a woman. I am comparing this to the first woman US ambassador to the UN, which occurred during Regan's presidency by a woman named Jeane Kirkpatrick. Sadly that occurred in 1980, only about 40 years ago. Still impressive, she is known for her Kirkpatrick Doctrine, so hopefully Craft may come out of her new position with a bit of impact, and hopefully the impact is not bad.

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