Monday, February 25, 2019

Democrats to offer measure to try to stop Donald Trump's declaration of emergency at the border - Cesar Galvan

House Democrats will introduce a resolution Friday morning to try to block President Donald Trump's declaration of an emergency along the southern border. 
Trump announced the declaration last week as a means of freeing up billions yo pay for his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border after Congress failed to give him the money he demanded.
Democrats have called the declaration an overreach of Trump's power and have vowed to fight it. They are expected to introduce a resolution that would terminate the emergency declaration. But even if it passes the president can always veto it.

1 comment:

  1. I most definitely hope that Democrats put up a fight and that Trump's child play will be PUT TO AN END. There are far bigger issues I would like to see mended in my lifetime. Imagine the horror of future textbooks filled with pictures of "the wall".
