Monday, February 25, 2019

Anna Speer- Another Abortion Controversy

Senate Republicans presented a bill today that would possibly threaten doctors with jail time who didn't try saving children born alive in late term abortions.  Senate Democrats immediately blocked the bill.  Was this an attempt from the conservatives to go on the offensive, particularly after the New York law allowing late term abortions earlier this year?  Do both sides only want to make their constituents happy? It makes me wonder how many congressman sincerely look at our issues at the moment. However, is this much ado about nothing? Only 1% of all abortions occur after 21 weeks of pregnancy (which is the marker most consider a fetus viable).

1 comment:

  1. I believe they are not truly caring about the situation and just want to constantly attack eachother. They should talk it out instead of doing trash things like this.
