Monday, February 25, 2019

Louisiana Mass Shooting- Hannah Rodriguez

          On January 27th, a shooting in Louisiana would occur leaving 5 people dead. Dakota Theriot, a young 21 year old male is to be held responsible for these two shootings that occurred. The first one being that Theriot killed his parents Keith Theriot, 50, and Elizabeth Theriot, 50. The reason for Dakota killing his parents isn't said but they weren't the only people he killed. Theriot then soon after killed 3 more people in a thought to be related shooting. These people were Billy Ernest, 43, Tanner Ernest, 17, and Summer Ernest, 20. This Ernest family is not related to him but hey did know each other. Its said that Theriot was dating Summer Ernest so that may be related with Theriot's motivating for killing the Ernest family.

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