Sunday, February 24, 2019

He spent 39 years in prison for a double murder he didn't commit. Now, he's getting $21 million -Martina D’Orso

          Recently, a convicted murderer by the name of Craig Coley was freed and declared innocent under wrongful incarceration. He had been falsely accused of murdering a woman and a four year old boy and had served almost four decades in jail. The evidence that “linked” him with the murders, was almost non-existent and he even had a strong alibi which even then didnt help him. It wasn’t until 2013 when another detective said that the original detective may had destroyed evidence that would have proven Coley innocent. Furthermore, the evidence found had no traces of Coley’s DNA on it, but instead another man’s DNA. After Coley was released, he was given two million dollars and later filed a lawsuit where in total he was given almost 21 million dollars for his wrongful incarceration.
           This article was written by Eliott McLaughlin on February 24, 2019. I had not known about this issue before I saw this article, but it does not impact me negatively or positively. I find it sad that the state is trying to make up for its mistakes by paying Mr. Coley, but at the same time I feel like the state should have done the right thing from the start and no have incarcerated him falsely. We can relate this case to Ricky Jackson, a male who spent 39 years in jail for a murder he didnt commit. Both were falsely accused by witnesses who were wrong and were accused with little to no evidence on the crimes they allegedly commited. This shows a flaw in our government system where we so desperately want to blame someone for crimes that we forget about serving justice and we end up pointing fingers at anyone and end up ruining their lives.

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