Monday, February 25, 2019

Jussie Smollett arrested- Perla Diaz

Accused of Faking Own Assault, Jussie Smollett Arrested on Felony Charge

Jussie Smollett, an actor on "Empire" who claimed to have been victim of a hate crime, was arrested on Thursday morning. He had claimed that he was attacked and assaulted by MAGA supporters who were verbally harassing him using homophobic and racial slurs and then physically attacked and was a victim of an attempted lynching. There were many who were justifiably outraged by the he fact that anyone could even think of trying to commit such a disgusting hate crime. However, due to footage and evidence that Chicago PD was able to obtain they were able to conclude that he had payed off his alleged attackers to assault him and his wounds were self inflicted. Many believed that his reasons for doing this were that he was afraid if being written off the show and wanted the publicity; however, FOX denied these claims and stated that they weren't planning on writing him off the show and he played a key role in "Empire"

I think this is an unforgivable act for anyone to do. His actions hurt numerous people in more ways than imaginable. It made me hose who defended him and called for social reform appear as radicals who are complaining for no reason and just trying to clvictimize themselves. It decredited people in the future who may actually become victims of a hate crime and made it so people are more hesitant to people who claim to be victims of crime. He also took advantage of our people's sympathy and those who want to protect victims of discrimination and hate. The claims of Smollett were similar to the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan during the early 1920's.

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