Saturday, February 23, 2019

Bryn Bohannan- Suicide instructions on Youtube Kids

There was a popular video on Youtube Kids that was giving self harm techniques in between a Nintendo game video. The man was saying things like "Remember kids, sideways for attention, longways for results," while  mimicking slicing his arms. Many kids that get treated for attempting suicide that go to the ER say that they learn there techniques from Youtube.
I cannot believe that this happened. How did Youtube not catch that? I do not get how certain videos get banned because they are too vulgar but videos like these get showed to little kids. Last summer, there was another video that surfaced from the same creator and Logan Paul laughed at a dead body and then posted it. I do not understand how these creators are still allowed to create. That is so disgusting.

1 comment:

  1. First of all how could someone even put this out to try and harm kids people have no chill these days just wow
