Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Hannah Rodriguez | Two Suspects Charged in ATM Jackpotting

          Two males by the names of Alex Alberto Fajín- Diaz and Argenys Rodriguez were arrested and charged on January 27th when they were convicted of criminal bank fraud by hacking ATM machines into giving them more and more money. The two males had more than $9,000 in $20 bills! What's even more shocking is that these aren't the only two males who have been doing this. U.S Secret Services has said there has been hackers who have taken more than $1 million dollars by forcing these ATM machines to give them more money all across the country! It hasn't been said if this has been a continuous issue that's been to the knowledge of the government or not or how long this has been going on.


1 comment:

  1. They really need to fix that because it is really becoming a problem and it makes no sense that they haven't fixed this yet.
