Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tainted Liquor - Maria Golici 

In India over 200 people have fallen ill and are being hospilatized and 93 have died. All of these people have been affetced for the taintred liquor sold. The liquor is laced with methyl alchol, which is a chemical that attacks the central nervous system that causes headahces to the point of unconsciousness. Many of the people that were affected didnt begin feeling any symptoms until about a few hours after having drinking the liquor. The police have been able to arrest 8 people that have been behind the most deadly bootleg liquor related incidents ever in India. The police are as well pursuing others they believe is behind this chaos. 

This article was written on February 23, 2019 at 8:02 AM. Back in 1920-33 prohibition became a big problem. The Government poisned industrial alchol to stop prohibition bootleggers. I truly belive what happened is not ok to have been done. The people that are responsible for this took advantage of the people that are poor and cont afford the branded alchol. I hope the people that are being hospitalized make it. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I think this why the government originally banned alcohol because of cases like this.
