Monday, February 25, 2019

Daviah Harrison-The hate Jussie Smollett is accused of faking happened to me

 This article was written by Bill Hinkle on Saturday February 23,2019 and he shares a personal story about when he and his ex-boyfriend were attacked about 15 years ago. Two men shouted anti-gay slurs and attacked the couple on the Walk of Fame. Bill felt angry and disappointed when he was informed that Jussie Smollett had falsified an attack that he actually experienced and couldn't figure out whyJussie would do such a thing. However, Bill is lucky to see the changes that have been made in society with the LGBTQ community. Being the only gay kid at his high school, he is proud to know that there are now LGBTQ groups at schools around the country. Bill hopes that Jussie will learn from this and get help.

It is sad to know that Jussie has faked something that a lot of people actually go through and this reminds me of many things like when people have faked different illnesses in order to receive special benefits from others. I hate that this has happened and hope that Jussie gets the help that he needs.

1 comment:

  1. This is crazy like so many people defended him and now its just like a blow up in the face and it makes no sense as to why he would do this.
