Monday, April 23, 2018

Dress Codes- Soleil

Over the years, dress codes have been proven to provide a sense of insecurity amongst teens, but recently, a student named Lizzy violated the dress code, therefor bringing about the debate. Is the dress code at normal high school's too strict? Some of the quotes by students over their opinions of this case follow: 

"I am entirely shocked by this. Dress code has always been an extreme all over America, as far as I know, and no one can deny it is aimed at girls. Even though it is always brought up that OTHER people, namely men and boys, are distracted. That’s so messed up. We shouldn’t be punishing girls for something that is out of their control. If a man can’t control himself he is no better than an animal, and they should be punished themselves. I completely get there needs to be some set of rules. You can’t come to school wearing basically just underwear, but girls should not be forced to wear bras if they don’t want to! Girls should be able to wear tank tops and shorts when it’s 70+ degrees Fahrenheit outside! The restrictions are wrong and downright humiliating."
"I agree it was inappropriate of Lizzy to go to school without a bra, but the way administration handled the situation was inappropriate and unfair. If the school’s dress code did not specifically state females were required to wear bras, no one had the right to order Lizzy to put a bra on. Lizzy did not break any rule and should have not been reprimanded for something, which was completely justified for her to do. If it had been an boy with “man boobs” would they require him to wear a bra too? I think not. I do not believe the school was intentionally being sexist, but they need to think before they act next time!"
"When faced with a question such as this, one must first consider what the point of dress codes are. In some areas, such as military institutions, dress codes bring conformity. If you look at successful CEO’s such as Steve Jobs, they wear the same thing over and over. While this may make them appear boring, it enables them to not waste valuable energy and brainpower deciding what to wear. When students do not need to decide what to wear each day, they are able to put more focus and energy into schoolwork. Especially at my school, dress codes aren’t just to be annoying. In addition to allowing students to conserve brainpower, they also remove unnecessary distractions caused by students wearing revealing or distracting clothing."
This can relate towards multiple time periods, specifically the 70s, as people began to express themselves freely, which is an amazing freedom to be able to have, in which hopefully we will be able to show that in the future.  

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