Sunday, April 29, 2018

Terrifying Goose Attacks Golfer

Goose levels golfer, reasserting dominance over all humankind


Blog Post #3

Summary: A golfer, Issac Couling, was attacked by a guard goose during a golf tournament. He was attending this tournament with the Concord High School golf team, when the goose seeming popped out of nowhere and attacked him. Although they were near geese nest, they were careful to not poke around it.  Couling was uninjured by the geese.

Analysis: Seriously? What? .... Ok..  Geese are terrifying. This has probably been the most interesting article to read that doesn't have to do with politics, shootings, sexual assult cases, etc.  It must really be terrifying to realize that goose is coming for you screeching its head off. This is one of those articles that are probably meant to take people's minds of other things and give them a good laugh or so. So... I really can't think of any historical point to this.

Article Link:

Image 1 Link:

Image 2 Link:

Blog Posted By: Brandon Min
6th Period


  1. Olivia Wall- That is crazy, never thought geese would continuously keep fighting.

  2. this is very interesting and strange. I hope the golfer wasn't too scared!

  3. This is pretty funny. Although he may have been scared in the moment, I am sure that he will be able to look back on this and have a good laugh.

  4. this was hilarious i'm glad this was done
