Monday, April 30, 2018

The Next Big Meeting-jade pierre

The meeting will officially happen! Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will be having a meeting to discuss the denuclearization of North Korea. South Korean president Moon Jae has successfully conveonced him to hold the meeting with Trump in the demilitarized area between North and South Korea. Last Friday, Moon Jae and Kim Jong Un met and came to an agreement to demilitarize North Korea.


  1. This meeting will be very interesting I am excited to see the outcome of this. This meeting could either go very good or very bad but it all depends on trumps mouth.

  2. I hope Donald Trump doesn’t mess this up. If things go well this could be a huge step for America.

  3. I am interested in seeing what will happen. Our country needs to not screw up here

  4. I am anxious yet intrigued about what's going to happen at this meeting, such as the when, where and how. I can only imagine an extreme amount of security on both sides and wonder what issues will come up first but hope for a peaceful and efficient meeting.
