Sunday, April 29, 2018

Olivia Wall

It is no new news that drug cause heart problems, but recently surgeons have been making decisions. When people inject the drug meth into their body, their heart has major problems that have to be operated on. Some surgeons have had to say "no" to operating on the same people because they keep injecting themselves with illicit drugs and creating their problem. After replacing two valves one doctor, Dr. Pollard, told his patient that he would not keep helping him and try to fix his 25 year old heart, to which the 25 year old passed shortly after in hospice. He said that it was the hardest thing he had ever done. These procedures typically deal with low income and poverty stricken families.  Many of these drug addicts attain endocarditis, and are prescribed to never use drugs again, though many end up where they started, in the hospital.

This relates to APUSH because of the 60s/70s time period when there were a lot of hippies rebelling and doing drugs. These actually led to major health problems that are still prevalent today.

Olivia Wall


  1. it is so sad that so many people these days are addicted to drugs

  2. This was a very good connection to the 60s and 70s.
