Monday, April 30, 2018

Shayne Grant: John McCain announces last term

     Senator John McCain has announced in his new book that his current term in office will be his last. The Arizona Senator has been battling Stage 4 brain cancer for the past year which is a partial motivation for him to step down. He know is using this to speak his mind without fears of reelection campaigns. He states that he will continue to vote on his conscience and is glad to be getting out of the rough political climate. McCain was critical of Trump and how he handles situations and he hopes to see the return of political compromise stating as eloquently as possible, "you're damn right, I'm a champion of compromise!"

     Senator McCain has been apart of my life since a very young age and I am sad to see him leave Congress. Throughout his tenure, he has repeatedly shown to be as non-partisan as possible. He has defied the Republican status quo while still remaining true to his conservative roots. My hope is that we can all learn from him to use his skills in office. This is similar to President Washington's Farewell Address which called for non-paritsan fighting and to stay united; also both realized when their time to go was and did not wait until death to part from the offices.

1 comment:

  1. It's been crazy watching so many Republican incumbents announce they won't be seeking re-election, especially with the upcoming midterms; just goes to show the unstable political climate we're currently experiencing.
