Monday, April 23, 2018

Henry Haas-Stormy Daniels Payment causes some Lightning

A recent evaluation of the very controversial Stormy Daniels payment left many questions ambiguously answered, and it was particularly hard to decipher the statement in terms of what was important and what was filler. So here's everything you'll ever need to know about the payment.
The gist is that a pornography artist, who goes by the name Stormy Daniels, influenced the election by not disclosing information that could have harmed the Trump campaign, due to around 150000 dollars in hush money payed by one of Trump's lawyers. This has come up only recently because it was recorded that president Trump repaid this debt not all that long ago, raising a couple of eyebrows in the legal department.
The verdict as it stands now is that Trump had little to due with the 'scandal', and that while he is not under any pressure legally, his lawyer very well might be. This seems like a rather fair ruling to me, as if Trump did not have information on the issue until this recent payment, which is what is known as the truth as of now, he shouldn't be patronized for this action. 

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