Monday, April 23, 2018

LGBTQ teens in West Virginia create state's first 'rainbow' prom - Jacob Meazle


Summary: In West Virginia, at a completely normal high school, something extraordinary has taken place: a "Rainbow," Prom, This prom is made especially for LGBTQ+ students, who don't feel comfortable or even safe at a traditional prom. Students and parents both worked hard for this to happen, and the statistics to back this prom up are shocking. A surprising 4 out of 10 LGBTQ+ students say they don't feel accepted by their community.

Position: This relates to the LGBT movement of the 70's and 80's. These students are ostracized and made fun of in their schools, and didn't feel safe at a traditional prom. Instead, they made their own prom, and it worked out beautifully. Something else shocking, one girl that was interviewed, she didn't give her last name because she was afraid her relatives would scold her for not being "straight." It's 2018. Why is this still a problem?


  1. The fact that people don't feel comfortable being themselves is a reason for the huge issues of social life everyday.

  2. While this is a step in the right direction I feel like instead of dividing kids and making a straight prom and lgbt prom is kind of problematic. I think we should work harder to make prom more inclusive.

  3. This is awesome! I think acceptance and comfortability are very important.

  4. I think it's a good idea for now but i don't think it'll fix their problems in the long run considering this will promote more division in my opinion. Instead, they should work to make prom comfortable for everyone.

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