Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Transgender woman dies after being a victim of mob attack-Anna Speer

On April 12th Muhlaysia Booker was attacked by a group of men who punched and stomped on Booker after she was involved in a minor accident in the parking lot of an east Oak Cliff apartment complex. Not only was the attack captured on video, but her attackers yelled homophobic slurs during the beating, leaving her with a broken wrist and concussion. While other attackers weren't found Edward Thomas was arrested two days after the attack. Weeks after the beating, Booker was fatally shot and killed. Regarding her attacker, Edward Thomas, he was charged with aggravated assault in the attack because gender identity is not covered under Texas’s hate crime statute.
Thomas had been released from the Dallas County jail before Saturday. At this time, the department does not know where he is. The state of Texas should take more charge to support the LGBTQ community because this is only one of many fatal attacks. They deserve justice and to be treated like any other civilian. When will the violence end?


  1. I also did my current event post I’ve this event. I am extremely saddened to know that not only did Booker get attacked once by was actually killed in a second attack only weeks later. I agree that more needs to be done to protect members of the LGBTQ+ community in Texas.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. Its so sad to see that this is the world we live in. -kloe rhoden
